801: Polpenazze - Morti della Selva

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 Starting from the notice-board in Polpenazze (Piazza Roma, water point) take straight to the right (Via della Parola) leaving the tower, Piazza Biolchi and the Cathedral behind (a shot visit would worth), through Via Veneto, Via Vedrine (parking), to reach a little chapel from where the tour of the Lucone Lak starts.  Go along to the South direction towards Castelletto, after 900 m of asphalted road, turn tight in Via Sorgente, along the country road in Via Castelletto di Sopra and then always to the right in Via Montropero.

The path follows the ridge to the South, running along vineyard and olive groves in a wood of down oaks, horn beams and ashes.

This area presents vistas of rare beauty both of the lake (Sirmione peninsula, The Rocca in Manerba, and Garda island) and of the mountains surrounding it (Mount Pizzocolo and Mount Baldo).

Cross the road joining Soiano del Lago to Carzago Riviera, right at the Enel cabin, then South till reaching and excercise track, running along the Arzaga Golf Club, and after that, cross the SP4 road (Padenghe-Bedizzole) to reach the "Dead of the Forest" little church, and ancient Lazzaretto dating from 1445 (2:30h).

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